Tuesday, May 30, 2017


On September 6th, 2016 I wrote a letter to my future self, in hopes to achieve a few goals throughout the year. I can say I have successfully accomplished them. I became off with saying how I was scared for my future, and honestly I still am. It is scary leaving somewhere you know like the back of your hand. But we’ll all move on to bigger and better things. I continued saying how proud of where I have gotten in school and in life. I wanted to figure out what I want to do with my life, I don’t have every step laid out but I have the start to it. In my letter I said I didn’t want to dorm but I was thinking about it. Soon, I’ll be commuting to GCC for my general studies. I wanted to strive to do my best my senior year and not the senioritis get the best of me. I’m obviously not as motivated as I was in the beginning of the year, but I’m still completing my homework and still getting exempt from exams. I took a big challenge on for myself. I went from having late arrival every day the first half of the year, to taking Chemistry first block at the end of the year. At the start of the year, I had literally zero homework assignments. Economics was my really big class but I had a study hall to always have work completed before school ever ended. Second half was my hardest semester without a doubt. But I still made it on honor roll and I’m proud of that. 

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